Fake REST API for testing with any frontend
Ready for your requests 24x7!...
all resources can be accessed on any domain
All requests are processed on a real rest backend.
$.ajax({ url: "https://onlinetool.in/api/", type: "POST", data: { "username": "johndoe", "password": "mypassword" }, success: function(response, textStatus, xhr) { console.log(response); console.log(response.status); }, error: function(response) { console.log(response.responseText); console.log(response.status); } })
this.http.get('http://onlinetool.in/api/').subscribe(data => { console.log(data); });
const Http = new XMLHttpRequest(); const url='https://onlinetool.in/api/'; Http.open("GET", url); Http.send(); Http.onreadystatechange=(e)=>{ console.log(Http.responseText) }
this.http.post('https://onlinetool.in/api/', { "homepage": "google.com", "description": "search engine", }) .subscribe( res => { console.log(res); }, (err: HttpErrorResponse) => { if (err.error instanceof Error) { console.log("Client-side error occured."); } else { console.log("Server-side error occured."); } } );
GET: /api/posts/
GET: /api/posts/1
GET: /api/posts/?author=1
POST: /api/posts/
PUT: /api/posts/1/
PATCH: /api/posts/1/
DELETE: /api/posts/1/
Relations: Posts can have many comments and a post can have one author
Its always free...
No matter how many requests!...
no limits!.. free of charge.
Its running on DRF, one of the most popular rest framewoks out there!